Sunday 29 September 2013

GET TO KNOW YOUR SLATE: Anika Ganga - Assistant Secretary

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

― Nelson Mandela

Ever since her childhood, Anika Ganga has been encouraged by her parents to exert her full potential; which throughout her growing years, has been her motivation for success. Her main goal is to be the best that she can be while surrounding herself with good people who will support her strongly. Anika enjoys reading; which satisfies her thirst for knowledge. However, her passion lies in writing, because it gives her the opportunity to create new worlds which she can share with others. Her greatest ambition is to become a world- renowned author while being a part of the fascinating world of Journalism. Although she is strong willed and determined she also believes that we should always try to stand out in everything we do.  In her opinion, it is perfectly fine to be different and she embraces her weird, artistic and fun personality quite freely.

Anika is currently in her second year of pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communications. Although it is a process that requires a lot of hard work and dedication; the experience and been exciting and interesting thus far. She believes that there is “power in numbers” and with the right people working together change can be achieved. She knows that this change can be accomplished through the minds and efforts of the members of the Working Academic Reformation (W.A.R) team. W.A.R has nothing but good intentions for the betterment of COSTAATT and hopes that future students will rise up and be the change that they want to see as well.

"I believe that as Assistant Secretary I would develop good relationships with the student body; assuring them that we the Student Council, is here to listen and initiate change. I will encourage the student body to voice their opinions and suggest ideas; openly including them on this journey to success. I know the determination and drive we have to improve the school lives of COSTAATT students will most definitely achieve this goal. The student body will become confident and trusting; knowing that our team is absolutely reliable and capable to tackle any obstacle." -- Anika Ganga

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