Tuesday 1 October 2013

YOUR Manifesto

The Working Academic Reformation (W.A.R.)

We are the student W.A.R.my: a band of COSTAATT students with big dreams, big ideas and the world of possibilities at our feet. Our student life at COSTAATT ranges from two years to four. Here are your W.A.R. electoral candidates:

President: Nicholas Lutchmansingh
Day Vice-President: Dominic Andre
Evening Vice-President: Alette Liz Williams
Secretary: Wavel Fraser
Assistant Secretary: Anika Ganga
Treasurer: Earl AJ Edmund
Public Relations Officer (PRO): Andrew Friday
Sports Officer: Damian Scott

W.A.R. is not a party that encourages negativity. As today’s youth, we try to be positive role models for tomorrow’s youth. We are a group of hardworking, friendly, open-minded, accepting, empathetic, positive people. We believe in positivity, inclusion, equality and upward movement. In a nutshell, we believe in CHANGE. We will not smear any other party or individual with harsh words or untruths. However, if the opportunity arises, W.A.R. will take the opportunity to defend. We encourage feedback and student support and inclusion. We believe that, as the W.A.R.my, when given the opportunity, we will create major changes. This, in turn, will lead to a greater school spirit.

Once elected, W.A.R. will do everything in its power to ensure that change happens. These are just some of the matters that we intend to address:
As students and as adults, we want to feel secure. There is no security at the student carpark. If elected, we plan to propose to COSTAATT heads to install lights at the carpark and/or security cameras. We plan to push for COSTAATT security to patrol the carpark. Additionally, we plan to have COSTAATT officials engage Southern Supplies Limited (SSL) to meet COSTAATT halfway to find out our limits as to the installation of cameras and/or lights.

Part time students should be considered as well. They may have the adjective of “part time” but they still are STUDENTS. Most businesses close between the hours of 3 and 5, nor do they open on Sundays. Once elected, we propose to install vending machines to cater to students, full time and part time. We propose to work in conjunction with COSTAATT officials to speak with Coca-Cola and Cannings company to have them sponsored or bought.

Recommissioning of items
COSTAATT has a ping pong table that is currently being used as a notice board. With the reformation of school clubs, or Registered Student Organisations (RSOs), we plan to rectify this. Additionally, the outlets on the balcony and in the classrooms are limited. Furthermore, COSTAATT has fifteen (15) classrooms. The air conditioning in rooms 9 to 15 do not work. The blinds, also, are in a deplorable state of affairs. The broken blinds interfere with the projector screen. Moreover, the PA systems at COSTAATT do not work. Once elected, we propose to get all these items fixed.

Shuttle services
Currently, COSTAATT sublets at Naparima Boys’ College (NAPS) to accommodate the growing student body. There are two (2) shuttles from NAPS that run ONCE in 10-minute intervals. There is one (1) shuttle from COSTAATT campus on Sutton Street. We propose, once elected, to up the number or shuttles and to have them wait until the LAST student leaves. Security is, again, a very big issue to us. Additionally, we propose that a shuttle be hired to take students from COSTAATT to NAPS.

W.A.R. believes that student activities should be regularised. W.A.R. proposes to formulate a Fresher’s Week which would entail a visual map of the various departments, where your classrooms are located and tutorials for the Web Portal.

COSTAATT Student Store
We have noticed that COSTAATT gear is hard to get at the South Campus. We propose to formulate a Student Store to make gear easily accessible.

Reformation of Clubs & RSOs
With the reintroduction of the Student Life and Athletics department, we propose to reintroduce the club hours at schools to encourage not only academic development but holistic development.

Student Support and Inclusion
W.A.R. believes in including the student body. We plan to engage the student body not just in our campaign for election but also for general feedback after being elected. This post-election communication will take the form of periodic ‘Town Hall’ and meetings, to attend to student issues.

Social Media
W.A.R. believes in promotion of COSTAATT. W.A.R. plans to push for more advertising and visibility of the college brand.

YOUR Business
In addition to the above matters, you have brought the following to our attention, which we will address accordingly, during our term in office:

-          Active Participation in Cultural Programs
-          Maintenance of Washroom Facilities
-          Improved Lecturer Competence
-          I.T. Equipment Maintenance and Availability
-          Advisement, Registration and Orientation
-          Alarm System Maintenance
-          Adequate Safety Procedure
-          Class Schedule Flexibility
-          Administrative Staff Competence
-          Curriculum Stability
-          Improved Event Co-ordinating
-          Gym Facilities
-          Theft of Personal Items
-          Sport Teams
-          Performing Arts facilities
-          Adventure/ Outdoor Activities
-          Newsletter

This list is by no means exhaustive, as YOUR needs are dynamic and we will always be willing to work with YOU, towards YOUR goals.

The Working Academic Reformation (W.A.R.) - Evolving YOUR student experience.

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