Tuesday 1 October 2013

GET TO KNOW YOUR SLATE: Sports Officer - Damian Scott

We come with words of strength for the people!

We can win this fight without a riot!
But still, if we have to, David WILL slew Goliath!” – LMS feat. Morgan Heritage 'Saddle Up'

Damian R. Scott, commonly referred to as ScottyPedia by those students who know him well, is currently pursuing a BA in Mass Communications at COSTAATT, and aspires to be your next Sports Officer. The elder statesman of our WAR slate, Damian has proven to be a remarkable resource for reliable and credible information, to the benefit of students and lecturers alike. Well-spoken to all and respected by many, Damian is also a former school footballer and basketball player, and still plays both avidly to this day.

In addition to his academic prowess, his wealth of experience affords him keen insight into problems, solutions and consequences, making his contributions invaluable on both personal and professional levels. As Sports Officer, Damian promises to bring back a sense of belonging amongst the students at COSTAATT South Campus, and will use sporting activity as a means to bring about this new dawn for the long-suffering student fraternity.

"One key part of the academic experience at a full-fledged tertiary level institution such as COSTAATT  has to do with activities outside of the classroom. These are the activities that help to shape personalities and positive attitudes outside of scholarly achievements. Unfortunately, these activities are sorely lacking at COSTAATT, and it is my intention as Sports Officer to steer the student body in a more positive direction.

"During my brief enrolment in COSTAATT, I have seen bare lip-service being paid to sports as part of the genuine academic experience, and I want to change this outlook. Organised sporting activities amongst students not only has health benefits for the participants, but also is one sure-fire method of  fostering genuine school spirit , which will definitely improve student morale. It will give students a sense of belonging that cannot be derived from the classroom experience alone.

"My sincere wish is that my efforts will cause a shift in paradigm at COSTAATT, where the student experience is not limited solely to classroom activities, but also encompasses participation and support of as many sports as feasible." - Damian Scott

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