Tuesday 1 October 2013

YOUR Manifesto

The Working Academic Reformation (W.A.R.)

We are the student W.A.R.my: a band of COSTAATT students with big dreams, big ideas and the world of possibilities at our feet. Our student life at COSTAATT ranges from two years to four. Here are your W.A.R. electoral candidates:

President: Nicholas Lutchmansingh
Day Vice-President: Dominic Andre
Evening Vice-President: Alette Liz Williams
Secretary: Wavel Fraser
Assistant Secretary: Anika Ganga
Treasurer: Earl AJ Edmund
Public Relations Officer (PRO): Andrew Friday
Sports Officer: Damian Scott

W.A.R. is not a party that encourages negativity. As today’s youth, we try to be positive role models for tomorrow’s youth. We are a group of hardworking, friendly, open-minded, accepting, empathetic, positive people. We believe in positivity, inclusion, equality and upward movement. In a nutshell, we believe in CHANGE. We will not smear any other party or individual with harsh words or untruths. However, if the opportunity arises, W.A.R. will take the opportunity to defend. We encourage feedback and student support and inclusion. We believe that, as the W.A.R.my, when given the opportunity, we will create major changes. This, in turn, will lead to a greater school spirit.

Once elected, W.A.R. will do everything in its power to ensure that change happens. These are just some of the matters that we intend to address:

GET TO KNOW YOUR SLATE: Sports Officer - Damian Scott

We come with words of strength for the people!

We can win this fight without a riot!
But still, if we have to, David WILL slew Goliath!” – LMS feat. Morgan Heritage 'Saddle Up'

Damian R. Scott, commonly referred to as ScottyPedia by those students who know him well, is currently pursuing a BA in Mass Communications at COSTAATT, and aspires to be your next Sports Officer. The elder statesman of our WAR slate, Damian has proven to be a remarkable resource for reliable and credible information, to the benefit of students and lecturers alike. Well-spoken to all and respected by many, Damian is also a former school footballer and basketball player, and still plays both avidly to this day.

In addition to his academic prowess, his wealth of experience affords him keen insight into problems, solutions and consequences, making his contributions invaluable on both personal and professional levels. As Sports Officer, Damian promises to bring back a sense of belonging amongst the students at COSTAATT South Campus, and will use sporting activity as a means to bring about this new dawn for the long-suffering student fraternity.